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Cooking Instructions
You will need:
2 Pots / Tongs / Strainer / Bowl / Timer
Step 1 : Boil Broth

In the first pot bring broth to a boil **Do not boil different type of broths in the same pot
Step 4 : Heat noodles

i. Put noodles in the second pot of boiling water.
ii. Gently stir the noodles to prevent sticking.
Cook 2' for al dente noodles
Cook 1' 30" for firm noodles
Cook 2' 30" for soft noodles
Step 2 : Cook toppings

In the second pot, heat desired topping in boiling water for 30 seconds
Step 5 : Use strainer

Drain the noodle through strainer and place noodles inside the bowl
Step 3 : Cook chashu

In a medium pan heat 2 teaspoons of oil on medium heat and cook each side for 15 seconds
Step 6 : Assemble

When noodles are done add hot broth to your bowl, add noodles and toppings.
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